Hi All! Hope everyone's summer is going well. Haying season is upon us here in the north, and I know it's been going on for a while in the south. Here's to getting that feed up nice and green and dry! We are just over half way done on our "Road to the 2018 World Futurity Finale" season ending in Las Vegas this December. We've had super events showing off some pretty amazing colts you guys have raised and are bringing along the way. Congratulations to you all. Results and Stats can be found on the website: www.worldfuturity.com We have registrations open now for: Hardgrass Futurity - Pollockville, Alberta July 27th The Big Time Bucking Horse Futurity - Kiowa, Colorado August 3rd and 4th Faith Stock Show & Rodeo World Futurity - Faith, South Dakota August 8th Foothills Bucking Horse Futurity - Cochrane, Alberta August 17th. Registrations and information can be found on our website @ www.worldfuturity.com Don't forget about Broncs in the Bakken, Watford City, North Dakota coming up on October 13th. We will have more details on the Finale in December as it gets closer. But do look at getting Reservations at the South Point Hotel & Casino, as they fill up very fast. Their phone number is: (866) 791-7626. Stock must be checked in on Monday, December 3rd. On behalf of Joe, Laney, David and myself, we extend a heartfelt thank you for your trust and support in us for our first year of this Association. We will continue to build on an organization that further develops and promotes these bucking horses we raise, while keeping it member driven. So, until next time, let's get these amazing animals built up, trained up, showed up and off to “bigger” arenas where they have the opportunity to excel at what they were bred to do! Best regards, Laurie McDonald
World Futurity Association Mobile: (780) 623-8734